Treatment plant
hazardous and non-hazardous liquid waste
The plant treatment of hazardous and non-hazardous liquid waste, located at the headquarters of Taranto and authorized with PAUR_Det_049_2019 of the Puglia Region for operations of D15, D13 and D9, is of a completely automated chemical-physical type via PLC control.
Currently able to process non-hazardous aqueous waste, e.g. EER 161002, mainly with high chloride content and contaminated by heavy metals, with a treatment capacity of 15 m3/h for a total of 240 m3/day and one storage capacity of 300 m3 per day.
A further line is under construction, which will adopt the most advanced technologies in the treatment and disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous liquid waste, such as leachates, emulsions, waste water and industrial water, water and washing solutions and aqueous solutions.
The plant is equipped with a mobile laboratory capable of guaranteeing process control, both of the incoming loads and of the progress of the treatment, to guarantee compliance with the limits for discharge into the public sewer.
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Daisy srl
landfill for non-hazardous special waste
The best available technologies have been used right from the design and construction phase and the latest generation solutions have been chosen to ensure the best environmental protection.
The plant is equipped with a service area complete with all the ancillary structures (vehicle parking areas, weighing machines, laboratory for checking incoming waste, covered area for waste storage, wheel washing, offices, etc.) necessary for guarantee the full functionality of the system and is characterized by the presence of an inertization / stabilization line, aimed at achieving compliance with the acceptability limits for those waste streams that do not initially meet the chemical-physical requirements provided for by the regulations for admission to landfills . In addition, the site has an innovative phytoremediation system for the treatment and recovery of first and second rain water.
The society Daisy Srl manages a landfill facility for non-hazardous special waste located in locality San Procopio in the municipality of Barletta (BT), authorized by the Province of Bari with determination n. 124 of 09/12/2008 and subsequently by the BAT Province with Executive Decision n. 333 of 04/18/2018 (AIA).
The landfill area is approximately 22,000 m2 for a total volume of approximately 350,000 m3 in one batch.