Pursuant to Legislative Decree 10 March 2023, n.24
At Ecologica we believe it is important to promote a corporate culture that promotes transparency and responsibility.
For this reason, to identify any risks and prevent possible damage to our company and to our employees, partners and entities with which we work, we provide in this section a specific channel to report any illegitimate behavior that could be harmful to the company, the public interest or the integrity of public administration.
The internal reporting channel involves written or oral methods through the “@Whistleblowing” platform accessible below:
For further details on the violations that can be reported via this channel, on how to manage the channel and reports, please refer to the attached documents.
All reports are treated with absolute discretion and confidentiality in compliance with the relevant legislation.
Please note that the platform cannot be used to report disputes, claims or requests linked to a personal interest or which relate to individual work relationships.